Show Segments Explained

During a conversation about podcasts we listen to one day, we found a common thread with the ones we liked: They were typically a conversation that made us feel like we were in the room with the people on the podcast. We also felt that there was space to add more, like the ones we liked, in podcast land. So here we are inviting you to join us, as we have a conversation. We have found the typical conversations we have allow us to share:

1. what is on our mind (current events, what is grinding our gears, pet peeves, etc.)
2. Top 3, a list of our favorite things on a given subject, most of which we are highly opinionated, yet most of the time we are under qualified to hold such strong opinions.
3. A good word. Solid friendships are encouraging. Even if we joke and give each other a light-hearted hard time, our ultimate responsibility is to uplift each other. What are friends for, right? That is exactly how we’ve structured our podcast. We have three segments that are called “What’s on your mind”, “Top 3”, and “A Good Word”. Our goal is that you’ll feel like you are part of the conversation and that you feel encouraged after tuning into each and every one of our shows.


We greatly appreciate each and every download. Interactions with our listeners are even more valuable to us because we know we are barking up the right tree. We encourage you to reach out through the comment section or via email which you can find in the “contact us” tab of our website.

 --Hardheaded HQ